
Our Vision

A friendly and resilient community where people share skills, ideas, stories, time and tools. A connected community, where everyone can get around with minimal carbon emissions. A green community, rich with wildlife and space to breathe and play. An empowered community, where every individual can make a difference.

Our Mission

  • Sharing information, enabling constructive dialogue around sustainability and supporting positive behaviour change.
  • Supporting reduction of carbon emissions and waste.
  • Protecting, restoring and respecting our natural environment with a focus on wildlife and biodiversity and creating community spaces.
  • Creating a self-reliant and environmentally resilient Parish where community cohesion and well-being are enhanced.

Thank you to Greener Ugborough for the use of their fantastic wording which resonates with us. Why re-invent the wheel…?

More Info

We are a working group set up by following Staverton Parish Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in 2019. Our aim is to share knowledge and ideas to help protect and restore biodiversity, and to work towards eliminating our carbon emissions.

We are made up of a growing number of Landscove and Staverton residents who meet on zoom monthly, but hope to get back to meeting in one of the local pubs soon!

We welcome everyone. No commitment or specialist knowledge needed. We’re all working it out together.


Contact any of us for further info or for a link to join the next meeting. You’re very welcome just to come along and listen, and all ideas most welcome.

  • Chair: Simon Oldridge
  • Transport group: John Forte
  • Biodiversity group: Julia Bond – julia.bond7@me.com
  • Greener Homes: Simon Oldridge – simon.oldridge@gmail.com